Sunday, 6 September 2015

Lemmings in Dundee.

Hey everyone,
Finally, I'm back with some new landscape photos for you all, well as new as it gets! So, let's cut straight to the good stuff, recently my inspiration to edit my long lost personal photos has come back stronger than ever and since they were always in the back of my mind I guess it was finally time to get them finished. Well you may have guessed these shots aren't exactly new by this introduction and you're right...they were taken last summer around the same time I photographed the bandstand in my previous post, so they were truly overdue an edit! I couldn't wait to finally get them finished and online as I love these little guys.
Who's an old school video gamer?...anyone remember Lemmings from the early 90's? Those little spiky green haired guys with the cool purple overalls? Well, the game actually happened to be one of my favourites and I only found out not that long ago that it was created in Dundee of all places. Now they have been given their own little monuments in celebration and are now showcased in Dundee's city centre. I couldn't help myself but act like a tourist for the day and take some snaps of them, guaranteed it always feels a little awkward in your hometown, snapping away photos and someone you know spots you, oh well haha!

I actually like the way they positioned these little guys, they are right in the centre of the most beautiful location on Perth Road in Dundee and right beside the mini bandstand (a smaller replica of the one I photographed in my last post). It features such a gorgeous view over the Tay as well, and many people stop and visit this spot before heading into town every day of the year. Whether the weather is bad or not, which unfortunately for all tourists this year Scotland hasn't had the best of times, sorry folks, I'm sure it'll be better next year, don't worry.
Moving on, I actually planned to take some shots of a few more cool spots in town but unfortunately last year I managed to catch glandular fever and my little adventures had to be cut short for the time being. Hopefully I will get the time to indulge in some personal landscape photos again very soon as there are still a couple of little locations that I would definitely like to photograph in Dundee, surprisingly! For the time being, I'm back to my regular work and I may blog about it soon if I get the chance, so keep a watch out for that, thanks once again for viewing.

Nicola. x

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All photographs © Nicola Sharkey.
