Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The Agitator, Glasgow, Live Photos.

Last night, The Agitator were back in Scotland again, this time at Glasgow's Captain's Rest (one of my favourite venues!) and their drummer Robert, put me on guestlist for the photos I had taken of them back in October, so I went along to see them play. They are seriously one of my favourite new bands at the moment so I couldn't resist taking another set of photographs. I really enjoyed their set, and so did everyone else in the crowd. Go check them out on the rest of their tour, Manchester tonight, finishing with a couple of London gigs.
Onto the photos.

I thought I would also add in a photo below of Robert from The Agitator with me, when I met him at the gig.

Nicola. x

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Wishing It Was Summer

I've been editing some photos from Summer lately (photos that should have been edited a long time ago, yes) but it really makes me miss the good weather, music, clothes, and friends that I don't really see anymore. I guess some things have changed since summer and I do kind of miss it, but gotta move on right!
Anyway, I just wanted to post some of my favourite photos I have taken during that time, because I only just realised I never posted them when I should have!
Hope you like them.

Nicola x

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Nylon Magazine

Hi everyone,
Another quick update, but a lovely one indeed. Nylon Magazine, featured a photograph of me on their Street Style Photo section yesterday (view it below). Pretty amazing! I was actually reading an interview of Summer Camp on their website, just before I realised. I can't even explain how little things like this make me incredibly happy at the moment. I received two massive compliments about my Photography yesterday, from a venue and someone I don't even know, and they were both extremely encouraging! One of the main reasons I keep doing Music Photography!

Nylon Magazine, view direct link here, http://www.nylonmag.com/albumslideshow.php?albid=498&phoid=12868&phoindex=7

Nicola. x

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Press Update.

Just another quick press update (or rather a really late press update!). A little while back, a Scottish Music website called The Daily Dose, featured 5 of my favourite photographs that I have previously taken, with a piece on why I chose each photo. You can have a look at it over on their website http://www.thedailydose.co.uk, or check it out below.

Callum is also advertising my website over on his website, which has been great! Check out his page at http://www.jedeteste.net and become a member of his message board!

Anyway, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have more to update soon.
Nicola x

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Dry The River, Dundee, Live Photos.

Dry The River, an 'alt-folk' band from London, were playing yet another gig in Dundee. Again, it was at Duke's Corner (they previously played there supporting Johnny Flynn), and I went along last night to see them. I really love the venue and the setting, even when it was originally The Doghouse it was always one of my favourite places to see a band. I think it's maybe even ten times more gorgeous now, but I do kind of miss their huge leather seats, and the Jack Daniel's rocking chair, haha, oh well.
Dry The River's set itself was amazing, great band to take photographs of, and an all around awesome act (illiteration!) my favourite song has to be 'History Book', it's lovely!
Any comments on the photos, again always welcome.
I also keep forgetting to add at the end of every blog, all full sets of photographs can be found on my Myspace, check the right 'Links' section.

Until next time...
Nicola x

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All photographs © Nicola Sharkey.
